Monday, December 31, 2012

Survived the flight

So I just survived a 16hr flight from chicago to HK. Overall it was a little rough. None of the audio jacks worked in my row so i couldn't watch the movies. I'm used to flying with individual video screens in front of your seat but this flight didn't have that, just the overhead ones.
Luckily, there was free beer, a usb port in the kitchen so the crew let me charge my ipod halfway through, and they gave me an extra chicken dinner (I paid $1,300 for the flight, I'm going to take advantage of it).

Halfway through, they made an announcement asking for a medical doctor. Apparently someone passed out towards the back and they were unresponsive. From what i heard, there 5 doctors on board, surgeon, internal medicine, and an ER doctor. When we landed, everyone had to stay in their seats until the paramedics came and went.

I got about 8 hours of sleep on and off so i should be ok to run around tonight. We touched down at 7pm hk time, 5 am home time which means that i did a full 24 hours of traveling.

On the flight to chicago i sat next to Rachel, a recent college grad from U W eau claire who has been teaching english in a suburb of japan for the past 4 months and is planning on doing it for 3 full years. I haven't been to japan yet so it was cool to hear about her experience.

One of the best parts of a trip like this is meeting all the different people that i otherwise wouldn't meet at home. I'll write down little blurbs as the trip goes on.

Just waiting now to get through customs, get my bag, and look for Kimberly.

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