Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sightseeing in Shanghai

Ok I'll admit, this is the part of the trip where blogging becomes a little challenging for me to keep up with. Not that I don't like doing it but it takes time and effort to recap what we did that day and get the pictures cropped and uploaded.

Anyway, we spent our first full day in Shanghai today.
Did some sightseeing in some of Shanghai's premire shopping areas, Nanjing Lu as well as Yu Garden (Yuyan Gong Yuan). Kimberly and I quickly realized that we are going to spend a majority of the time in Shanghai just eating random stuff because there is just SO much good food everywhere.

Honestly, wherever there was a line of people for food, we wouldn't bother checking what it was, we just got in line and bought it. Not once did we get sick...yet
To name a few, there was a man on the corner making crepe like things called Dan Bing where he would crack an egg on top of the cooked dough, then spread stuff that looked like veggemite but tasted like peanutbutter, and put a crunchy thing on top and cut half a hot dog then wrapped it all up and cut it in half.

Another was a baked or fried bread filled with pork and soup.

Weather was technically warmer than Beijing but with the wind, it felt colder.

In Yu Garden, we went to a well known Pork Bao restaurant for lunch. One of the cool things is that they serve you one big one with soup and you drink it through a straw. Unfortunately we felt that the corner restaurant we had these dumplings were better and 5x cheaper :/

At 6 we met up with our friend Dinghan from the U of M. He moved to Shanghai about 7 months ago for work and many of us have missed him greatly back at home.

We went to a traditional Shanghai food restaurant called Full House and we ate like royalty. Food was amazing and it was great to catch up.

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